Happy to assist our Clients with an aim to delight them with value-added propositions.
An employee stock option plan (ESOP) is an employee reward, retention and attraction tool that provides a company's workforce with an ownership interest in the company. This also acts as a great motivational booster for employees.
MUFG Intime presents one of its distinct product/ interface – As an ESOP Consultant, right from designing of an ESOP plan, which caters to client specific requirements, till its successful execution through corporate action in allotting such shares.
Compliance driven, expert documentation and a hassle free implementation is the USP of EmPower.
Our highly scalable, versatile, reliable and compliance driven ESOP administration software automates the routine administrative work involved in managing share option plans, saving time and money in a user-friendly environment.
Managing various compliances in a time bound and accurate manner is certainly the priority of all compliance officers and prudent managements.
MUFG Intime is happy to assist it’s clients with TrackIn – A service offering to monitor the trading of Insiders as per the requirements under SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 and help companies to comply with the Regulations. Our team also conducts training / awareness sessions for the Client’s Insiders.
MUFG Intime has constantly been working to provide best of the class services to its clients and their shareholders over last three decades. We have kept pace with changing times and have regularly introduced services and products to enhance the service experience of stake holders by using the best blend of Technology and Human resources.
Continuing our tradition of making available solutions to improvise the operational efficiencies, we are happy to launch our own E Voting platform ‘InSta Vote’. InSta Vote has been approved by STQC, Government of India as eligible platform for providing electronic voting services.
MUFG Intime is ISO 27001-2013 certified which ensures total data security and privacy. Our Clients now will not have to interact with multiple agencies for their e voting requirements and can complete voting process seamlessly through InSta Vote.
InSta Vote, being latest e voting platform, is enriched with features which are not available on other e voting platforms which will enhance the experience of all stakeholders.
Our Client Relation team can be contacted on 022 – 49186000 or write to us at insta.vote@linkintime.co.in
We will be more than happy to welcome you aboard InSta Vote.
Drafting board meeting notices, agendas and maintaining their records was never an easy task. However, MUFG Intime's new product- "Meetezy" helps simplify this process. It manages and streamlines the entire life cycle of Board and Committee meetings with user-friendly interface available on both web and mobile application.
Through Meetezy you can now streamline your meeting schedules effortlessly with intuitive calendar blocking feature, easily compose and customize meeting notices, agendas and its notes with an option to attend meetings virtually from anywhere.
Marking attendance, creating and maintaining registers were never this easy. Meetezy not only provides accurate records for each meeting, ensuring accurate documentation of discussion and decision by creating and finalizing meeting minutes but also facilitates quick and secure decision making by creating, sharing and obtaining approvals for Circular resolution within the platform.
Meetezy also helps elevate governance with built in Board evaluations, allowing for a comprehensive assessment of board members performance and effectiveness.
Try Meetezy today and experience the difference! Write us at spgmarketing@linkintime.co.in